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Drive customers acquisition and retention with branded games and tournaments

Low-cost marketing platform to create multiple playable campaigns just in 30 minutes each and run through multiple user acquisition channels.
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Explore Opportunities
See how Winday can help you boost your customer engagement.
Use gamification for your marketing campaigns
In addition to classic marketing, there is always room for user engagement. Add a gaming experience to your user engagement campaigns.

Discount Codes Distribution

Connect your brand website to have a custom game link related to your website.


Prizes Distribution

Setup the plugin on your website to distribute all playable campaigns in one place.


Loyalty Programs

Connect your brand website to have a custom game link related to your website.

So why does gamification influence user behaviour and actions? And how does it work?
How gamified experiences move users from fun to loyalty
Providing gamified experience, you tap into natural desire for competition and achievement and motivate users to interact more with the brand.


Playing and winning games users get a positive mood and a feeling of satisfaction.


Hosting long-term tournaments to compete for prizes motivate to replay multiple times.


Receiving regular gamified experiences from a brand, users stay for more and more.

Recurring Sales

Experiencing increased brand loyalty, users are motivated to return for repeat purchases.

Looking for more details about how it works? 7-day Free Trial includes the full functionality.
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Easy-to-use Brand Panel for Marketing Games Creation
Winday is a platform that provides tools for creating, publishing, and distributing playable marketing campaigns and interactive experiences.
step 1
Create Instant Games and Tournaments
Winday is a platform that provides tools for creating, publishing, and distributing playable marketing campaigns and interactive experiences.
Suitable for various industries
fashion pets enter food electron health children travel sports home edu
Quick setup for multiple purposes
Discover how marketing campaigns can elevate promotions, exhibitions, app engagement, corporate challenges, and SEO strategies.

Online Promotions

Website promotions to engage users with fun games directly embedded on your website.


Offline Promotions

Printed promo with QR codes that lead to playable campaign, bridging online and offline engagement.



Stand out at events by featuring interactive games that draw visitors to your booth.


In-app Promotions

Boost user engagement in your app with interactive games seamlessly integrated into the user experience.


Corporate Challenges

Employee engagement activities to faster team spirit and engagement with customizable games.


SEO Strategies

Playing games on your website positively affects user time spent on a website and decrease bounce rate.

Test how it works with a
7-days free trial!

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